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The Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center provides resources to help you in your classes. From tutoring to study habits to peer coaching, the center can help you be successful.
Our new online student guide walks you through the rules and policies that apply to every course you take at UO, all in one location.
Your feedback is critical for evaluating and improving UO academic courses and programs for future Ducks. Fill out your surveys in DuckWeb by March 17.
Academics and Career Preparation
There are many resources available to help you be successful in your studies and career preparation. From academic advisors to tutors to career coaches, staff in offices across the university are available to help you identify your goals and create a plan for achieving them.
Classes and Registration
Classes are how you will earn your degree, but registering and building your class schedule can be challenging sometimes. The university has a number of resources to help you build your schedule and stay on top of important academic deadlines so you can be successful in your studies.
Cost, Billing, and Financial Support
The university would like to support you as you navigate financial actions. The Financial Wellness Center offers a number of resources for money management and decision making. Below are some common actions students use as they navigate paying for supplies, applying for funds, making payments, etc.
Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance is the estimated cost to attend the UO for the academic year. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides estimates for cost of attendance information that goes beyond tuition and fees, and includes: living expenses (housing and food), books/supplies/equipment, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses.
Housing and Dining
The university offers a variety of great housing options to help you find your home and community. In addition, there are numerous locations for you to find great food on campus, in some cases free food.
Building Community
By definition, a university brings together people from different backgrounds and experiences to create new ideas and share them with others. In order to be successful in this, the university has a number of programs and resources to help you build community, find people with similar experiences and backgrounds to yours, and meet people who have completely different perspectives.
Activities and Involvement
There are lots of ways to stay connected and involved with your friends and classmates. Our staff has developed a number of opportunities for you, including a few listed below. Check your weekly Quick Quack emails for more involvement opportunities each week. We will provide academic reminders, highlight unique events, and provide useful information to help you navigate campus life.
Wellness and Recreation
Students need wellness support for a host of reasons. Taking care of yourself is important to your success as a student. If you need help with alcohol and drug recovery support, want nutrition information, or need to request a dietary accommodation, our staff on campus are here to support you with any need.
Counseling Services offers great support options for UO students. Check out their blog for self-care ideas or make a virtual appointment to talk to someone. Call and they will discuss options and resources.
University Health Services is open and offering support and medical care for students on campus. Call them first and they will discuss options, visiting instructions, and resources for you.
This may be a stressful time for some, and there are many ways to cope. The Duck Nest provides resources to help manage any stress you may be feeling. Explore their website for options and resources.
The Student Recreations Center is a great place to find your fit. You can unwind in a Group X class, swim a few laps in the pool, get some cardio and weights in, or boulder and climb in the Rock District. Whatever your interest, get connected and be active.
One thing that we do best at the University of Oregon is making discoveries. Our faculty are constantly developing new ideas and creating the innovations of tomorrow. As a UO student, you have any number of opportunities to be part of research and even make discoveries of your own.
Technology Resources
From Wi-Fi to programs like OneDrive and Dropbox to setting up your email and so much more, Information Services can help you with many—if not all—of your technology needs and questions during your time as a student. Visit their Getting Started webpage to find resources and information about technology at the University of Oregon.
Canvas.uoregon.edu will be the primary avenue for your classes. Connect with your instructors, get course assignments and materials, and more.
Office 365
As a UO student, you have free access to Office 365. From Teams to Word to OneDrive, many programs are available for you to use on your desktop and online.
All UO students now have access to basic Zoom videoconferencing accounts. Learn how to start using Zoom and join your instructors and peers on video calls.
Safety and Concerns
The university is committed to providing an environment where every member of our community can be successful. Each one of us has a shared responsibility to care for and protect our community. If you see something, say or do something. Reach out to the dedicated staff in Counseling Services, Care and Advocacy Program, Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance, UO Police Department, or Safety and Risk Services who are available to support students and address concerns in our community.
* In case of emergency, call 9-1-1. Counseling Services has a 24-Hour Support and Crisis Line to help you when Counseling Services is closed. Call 541-346-3227. When calling after hours, please listen to the recording and press "1" when instructed. You will be connected with a crisis line professional.
There are lots of ways to get around campus and the surrounding community. The university has resources to help you find the best way to get from point A to wherever you want to go.